Monday, March 1, 2010


I feel like blogging today...because I tend to think more when I am a little sad.

There are certain things I want to do when I'm young - like travelling around the world, sky-diving, going on a hot-air balloon, being in a film premier, going to art shows, and many things of the sort. Then I wonder, what if I never get the chance to do these things? What if I'm only able to do these things when I'm too old to have the same enjoyment? This is definitely nothing new but that thought of not being able to accomplish these things suddenly made me feel really afraid of growing old. I don't ever want to grow old. The older I grow, the less time I have to achieve these things. The realization that I may not do everything I want in life is daunting, although it is a blatantly obvious fact. My religious friends may look beyond what we do in our life time and strive for life in eternity - a practice I fully respect, although I do not comprehend entirely. On the other extreme are those that live in the moment and make the most out of present life - a perspective that I relate to more but not to its full extent. What I seem to strive for is something in between: I want to make the most out of my life right now but I am also interested in finding something beyond that - things that will answer the bigger questions like our purpose (as corny as it sounds).

It's the fourth year syndrome - I seem to be thinking more and more about this stuff as graduation inches closer. The future is full of excitement, challenges and new things. This summer will be the first expedition in this new chapter in my life.

Photoblog update: I meant to have moved this blog to a new host during reading week, but didn't get around to doing that. I am in the process of determining if I should go with wordpress or tumblr! Please stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. puahahah was this inspired by our talk on saturday! im sorry if i made you sad hahaha
    love youuuuuuuu :)
