Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Sorry for the 2 week hiatus from my beloved Mind Speak! I was studying for exams, writing exams, and then going to work everyday and going out a lot. Haha. :) I just really wanted to make a post tonight so I didn't even bother editing any of my pictures. They are as is! I will be starting next semester this week, so the next post might be another little while. I will try my best to push myself to take more pictures and post! Thanks for following this pblog, it means a lot to me.

Experimenting my new lens, the 50mm.

The people that I have known for all my life in Canada <3>

prettiest tea pot I've ever seen

I LOVED that restaurant. It's so chic. :D



    jessie is so pretty LOL *hates on pretty people* I see the boa-ness in the last pic!

  2. omg :o new lens ? huh huh ?

    who told u to just figure everything first ? huh huh ? :/

  3. hi,
    I landed here browsing through caroline's blog. I've been looking around and have seen that you've got quite the eye. Just thought I'd drop a comment and I hope you don't mind me following your blog. Btw my name is Nihit.

    p.s. judging by this post you've bought a new 50mm lens. I'm very jealous lol. Have fun with it
