Tuesday, November 25, 2008


This is going to be a short post - I didn't get a chance to take that many pictures. In fact, apparently I can't take pictures in the PATH, or so I was told by some lady that approached when I was about to click. I feel like I need to take a new direction since my pictures are getting a bit repetitive, even for me, so imagine those of you that look at them! Please, shower me with ideas.



  1. Hi Cindy! I like your blog.. The photos are so pretty, please me some photography :D

    Hehe, I subscribed to your rss feed :D Now I know exactly when you update hehe ^^

  2. Wow.. I totally meant... Please "teach" me some photography :D

  3. Erm , Cindy :P the only thing that i can tell you is ... take pictures of the most boring things in your room... or even ONE thing in your room in different settings and different angles and focal lengths. And see if you can make it interesting... that really gets your creative juices going. :) just so you know.

    Good luck with the next post.

  4. Sneak around and take pictures in the Path haha

    The pictures are your way of expressing yourself, why have someone else tell you how to do it? Repetition is fine, but if you want a change, take it from different angles, you'd be surprised how different the same thing can be =)

  5. try shooting from the hip when you're in the path, no one will know you're taking a picture. of course turn off the flash and the AF-assist lamp.

    umm what about some photos of people on the street? a nice simple portrait of a person can tell an amazing story. just ask to take their pic and offer to send it to them, most people are nice =)

  6. lol what andrew is said is kind of creepy if i was the person on the street but i suppose you could try... lol

    but i do agree you should take more pics of people hahah
