Friday, December 5, 2008


Thank you for all those that commented and gave me suggestions. I will hopefully soon put them onto the experiment table. As you can probably tell, I love roaming around the streets of Toronto - my pictures are partially inspired by Sam Javanrouh's daily dose of imagery. It feels great to discover the obscure and hidden places all around the city or even just looking at a familiar place in a new light. I hope my pictures are able to convey that feeling. I only have five pictures for this post, but next time, I promise there will be more and with new themes!

My test shot with a subject. :)


  1. I just realized you're posting less and less everytime =P. but at least you still have the time to go out and take some nice pictures =)

    this is kenrick btw lol, in case you didnt know. i made this blog SORT of because of you, i post my emo rants on my blog, but i dont make them public, i just need to vent =P

  2. i like the second picture of the trees! i love taking pictures of trees haha

  3. kekeke .. test subject :P

  4. wholly you like Sam's work too! I've been following his work since like beginning of first year!!!
