Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A Beginning

Discovery Walk

This morning, I finally took the time to walk around my neighbourhood to take some pictures. This marks the beginning of my long over-due photoblogging, which I intend to continue. I don't know what the purpose of my photoblog is yet, but it will be developed into whatever it was meant to be. Besides, walks are very enjoyable and serene. Let me show you what I mean:
Credit Valley Golf and Country Club.welcome.peace.cherry.caterpillar.serene.seasons changing.the perfect home.Mississauga Heights & Queenswaythin.skin.peek.wing.


  1. lol you actually went on your walk. good job.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. very pretty cindy...in a realistic sense. you should take me on your walk next time ;)
