Monday, February 2, 2009


This past weekend was Chinese New Year and as part of family tradition, we always buy sweets/snacks, make cakes, and bow to the Buddha Gods (no, I'm not religious). Just thought I would share with you some photos that reflect the biggest Chinese cultural celebration of the year.

The pot where we place the incense after praying.

You've probably seen this somewhere before - the lucky cat that brings in the cash.

I found this to be super cool - who knew that they'd get creative and have a word embossed on an apple! It means "get rich". (Yes, Chinese people like money.)

My lovely mother. :)

And if you notice that the tone of my pictures are a lot cooler and not as vibrant, that's because I'm playing around with photoshop a bit. (Trying to learn how to use it!)

Sorry for the lack of updates again; I want to post more frequently too! Thanks for visiting.


  1. LOLLLLLLLL that good omen cat is srsly reminding me of that lolcat picture ... "i r good omen cat!" HAHAHA

    your mom is hot

  2. LOLL um....your comment about my mom is making me feel uncomfortable... hahahah.

  3. i love these photos. and i love the "cooler" effects too. keep up the good work :D

  4. hey, might i suggest instead of using Photoshop, that you use Lightroom. PS is kinda over kill for 90% of photogs, unless you need some heavy lifting and need to do pixel manipulation, LR should be more than enough.

    LR is Adoboe's application to edit, and organize your photos, and since you're shooting raw, it makes it much easier to deal with. not to mention its cheaper too (not the ppl actually pay for PS). if you need the heavy lifting of PS, LR ties right into PS and makes it easy to go back and forth.

    i could go on bout LR, but you should check it out for your self. 30-day trial and more info @

    there's also a bunch of podcasts/books/websites that have tutorials on LR.

    you should also check out This Week in Photography they have daily posts on photo techniques, news, review etc and they also do a weekly podcast, so on your commute to York you can listen to this. they're not too advanced, not too basic, just perfect for everyone level of photog. hosted by 5 pro photogs with years of experience, there's a lot to learn from them.

    anyways, boring rant over. hope this helps =)

  5. Hey,

    My name's Steve. I'm in Pavel's class. I like the pictures he took of you. That's not to say Pavel is good at taking pictures. In fact, Pavel isn't good at anything, really. He musta just got lucky is all. Also, your pictures are really good too. Pavel sent me the link. And from what I hear you're just an amateur photographer. Good job and keep it up.

    As for what Andrew said: real men (and ladies) use Photoshop, even if Lightroom will do the job. Lightroom is for pansies. In fact, I'm using Adobe Photoshop CS5 Super Deluxe Edition, which is especially impressive since it doesn't even exist yet. I just decided to program it from scratch myself before Adobe did. That's how awesome I am.

    Stevie Preisman

  6. Man, why all the hating.

    I'm not saying don't use PS, heck I use it all the time, I'm just saying there's no need to use a chainsaw when a scalpel will get the job done.

  7. Aha...I was only kidding's all good!

    Although I would personally use an atomic bomb if a scalpel would do...

    Hugs and kisses,

  8. Hahah thanks for such...enthusiastic comments guys.

    And hi Steven, welcome to my blog. :)

  9. Werd,

    I'll definitely keep reading your blog. I'm gonna start my own blog soon, but I need to gather up some inspiration first. I've got it all set up. But I don't want to make it too personal. Those kinds of blogs are too shallow and trite. Maybe I'll talk about my thoughts on current events and other worldly observations. If I took photos I'd put those up too, but I don't even know how to operate a kamera. Heck, I can't even spell it!


    P.S. Be my facebook friend! My name is Steven Preisman. I'm the only one. Then one day (very soon) when I start writing in my blog, I'll give you a holla...or a poke...............probably a poke.
