First of all, sorry for the lack of updates! I haven't posted in 11 days. What has happened during this time? Well, I have finally purchased my first dSLR!!! =D My baby is the Canon Rebel XS and I am super happy and excited about it. I just opened it yesterday and have been meticulously searching for online tutorials and reading the manual on how to use it. I have very limited technical knowledge of cameras, so there's a lot for me to learn. I know I will need more motivation to keep on going but because I like taking pictures so much, it shouldn't be a problem! So for now, I'll show you a few of my test shots using the manual mode. Please comment - I welcome constructive criticisms and of course, compliments. ;) Thanks!
My baby ~ Canon Rebel XSthis picture is not edited at all (just resized) to show you the
true quality of the camera
Playing around with the aperture
Indoor lighting
And this is my little puppet show... :)
the Seal family
There are more pictures to come so stay tuned! :D