Saturday, May 15, 2010

Mind Speak is Moving

I apologize for the lack of activity lately on Mind Speak. It's because I'm working on something new - moving Mind Speak to a new home. I've been wanting to do this for a while now but never around to it because I couldn't decide which site to use. It was like another symptom of my indecisiveness-syndrome. There may be a reason for the difficulty of my choice though - it wasn't feasible to combine a photoblog and a writing blog together and as it turns out, the layouts/sites I was looking at also couldn't provide both functions for me at its optimal level. Hence, I have decided to move my photoblog to Wordpress and my collection of random thoughts to Tumblr. They are set up but still in beginning stages - I have a lot of photos and posts to move. I will be doing that while I'm in Quebec!

For the next 5 weeks, I'll be staying with a host family in Riviere-du-Loup taking French classes from Monday to Friday. I've been looking forward to this "explore" program since I've heard so many good things about it and it's always been a goal of mine to learn French. I have brought my DSLR and guitar with me so I'm expecting to be doing a lot of picture taking and guitar practicing.

The kind of freedom I feel right now is, to say the least, exhilarating. :)

Please remember to visit my new blogs! Links are above. For those who have followed my blog, I give you my thanks. I hope you will continue following me on my journey!


  1. I am so happy and proud of you Cindy :D
    Are you now travelling around the world?
    Learning french in Quebec sounds so awesome! I would like to do this program too :o would you be so kind to share with me about how I can do it as well?
    P.S. The sunset picture took my breath away <3

  2. nicee you blogspot abandoner!
    Hope you're enjoying your time over there! When you come back not only will I be asking you to be teach me Mandarin but now French and Guitar too - booya!
