Wednesday, April 22, 2009

This is what I do on a Saturday Night

I roamed the streets with two other photog friends and snapped away! Here is part 1 of the series:

this is unedited! the colour of the sky wows me.

I definitely wouldn't mind coming here again on company's expense! =D

Part 2 will be updated shortly (when I find some time to edit photos during this crazy busy week).

Sunday, April 19, 2009

That familiar stroll

School finally let me breathe a little bit this weekend. So I let myself go on a much deprived mini-shopping trip, also have been chilling with some friends, reading some books (will have an entry about it later), watching Love Actually (it was heart-warming!) and taking some photos. I tried to enjoy this weekend as much as possible because I know that another wave will come at me! Lately, though, I find that I care less and less about school. I still want to do well but I am trying not to let it dictate my life. I want to keep an open-mind and let myself explore things I really feel passionate about. My mentality changes a lot, but I believe it's a foundation that keeps on molding into a set of values and beliefs I have come to live by. If you're confused with what I'm babbling about...I'm not surprised since half the time, I'm confused myself. :) Nonetheless... ;)

At Dundas Square with Nancy

A neighbourhood stroll with mom on that warm, breezy Friday evening

I love sunsets and sunrises.

More pictures to come in a few days! Still in the process of editing, so stay tuned.